Ricardo Henriques Lab – Gimm Ricardo Henriques Lab – Gimm

Ricardo Henriques Lab

Optical Cell Biology

Optical Cell Biology

The Optical Cell Biology laboratory, established at the Gulbenkian Institute in September 2020, focuses on advancing the boundaries of optical microscopy, with the aim of establishing novel technologies to address cell biology and biophysical questions, both in health and disease.

Researchers from the lab are recognized by their open-source and widely available contributions to the optical microscopy community, as well as their translational work with industry. For example, they have established the novel SRRF super-resolution approach that underpins Andor Technology’s latest super-resolution spinning disk microscopes. In cell biology, researchers from Ricardo Henriques lab tackle broad questions through links with collaborating laboratories, in fields such as virology, host-pathogen interactions, immunology, cell signaling, and evolution. They do so by establishing new classes of fluorescent probes, high-speed cell-friendly super-resolution methods and computational modeling approaches that, although designed to answer questions of interest in the lab, have extensive applications in biology.

Group leader

GIMM People

Ricardo Henriques

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On the Verge of Discovery