Técnico(a) – GIMM Técnico(a) – GIMM

Job Opportunity - Técnico(a)

Oportunidade de emprego

Oportunidade fecha a


Reference GiMM/CT/29-2024


Reference GiMM/CT/29-2024

The GIMM – Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine is a pioneering Portuguese private research foundation with an ambitious vision for fundamental scientific exploration and its profound impact on global health and well-being. Founded in 2023, GIMM is the result of the merge of two leading research institutes: Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM) and Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) and dedicates to unraveling the fundamental mysteries of life and aims to be at the forefront of transdisciplinary research. 

GIMM opens a call to hire a technician correspondent to the initial level according to the Applicable Regulation, under an Unfixed-term contract with the funding support by Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), under the project Centros de Tecnologia e Inovação (CTI).


  • Decree-Law nr 57/2016, from 29th August, altered by Law nr 57/2017, from 19th July, that approves a Doctoral Hiring regime to stimulate Scientific and Technological Employment in all knowledge areas (RJEC).
  • Portuguese Labor Law, approved by Law nr 7/2009, from 12th February in its current writing.  
  • Regulatory Decree Nr 11-A / 2017, of 29th December.
  • Decree-Law nr 108/2023, of 22nd November.

Work Plan Activities

  1. Technical Execution:

1) Execution of standardized techniques such as sample preservation, sample cutting and staining for transmission electron microscopy;

2) Execution of advanced techniques, such as electron tomography, immunolabeling and Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM);

3) Data collection on transmission electron microscope;

  • Specialized Assistance to Users:
  • Providing assistance to researchers regarding experimental design for proper data collection and data analysis;
  • Quality Control and Lab Management Tasks:
  • Quality control and quality assurance of technique execution using SOPs procedures and keep them up-to-date;
  • Quality assurance of the equipment of the electron microscopy facility;
  • Problem reporting and tracking of techniques and equipment;
  • Training:
  • Training of the Facility Users;
  • Training of new members of the facility team;
  • Organizing technical courses for the spread of facility knowledge;
  • Training for Development of Skills:
  • Participation in outreach activities such as conference communications, participation and teaching in national and international courses, Facility tours or other electron microscopy-related demonstrations;
  • Management:

Coordination with the Facility Head on all management and overall facility operation projects.

Members of the Jury:  According to article 28 nr 5 from REC and article 13 from Decree-Law nr 57/2016, from 28th of August, altered by Law nr 57/2017, from 19th of July,the jury is composed by Rui Pedro Faísca, Mónica Bettencourt-Dias and Edgar Gomes (all PhD´s).

Start Date and workplace: The contract is expected to start in February 2025 and will remain only for the necessary execution period of the work plan; the activities will be developed in GIMM installations in Lisboa/ Oeiras and/or other necessary locations to their execution.

Monthly remuneration: Gross monthly Remuneration is 2.566,01€, in accordance with subsection a), section 1, article 15 from Law nr 57/2017, 19th July, and with the remuneration position at initial level predicted in article 2 of Regulatory Decree nr 11-A/2017, of 29th December, correspondent to level 38 at Tabela Remuneratória Única, approved by Order nr 1553-C/2008, 31st December and updated by Decree-Law nr 108/2023, of 22nd November.

Profile of Candidate: Any National, foreign and stateless candidate(s) that hold the following requirements can apply:

  1. PhD in Biomedical or Biological Sciences or equivalent through experience.
  2. Experience in electron microscopy (sample preparation and imaging) for life sciences.
  3. Experience in working in research facilities environment and supporting researchers.
  4. Well-organized and able to autonomously plan and execute electron microscopy projects.
  5. Good oral and written English skills.

Application process: The call is open from 20th November until 2nd  of January 2025 (30 working days), and the application documents (indicated below) should be submitted, in PDF format, to People & Culture Team through the email people@gimm.pt, by identifying the reference of the position in the “Subject”:

  1. Motivation Letter in English;
  2. Detailed CV;
  3. PhD Certificate;
  4. Other documents that applicant may consider to be relevant to prove the scientific course.

Note: Candidates who incorrectly formalize their application or do not submit the documents proving the compliance with the requirements indicated in the call will be excluded. The jury has the right to require to any candidate, in case of doubt, to present documents proving their statements.

Non-discrimination and equal access policy: GIMM promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of any duties based on their ancestry, age, sex, sexual preference, marital status, family and economic conditions, instruction, origin or social conditions, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, origin territory, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and union membership.

International environment and experience: Diversity is a fundamental aspect of the essence of GIMM, where researchers and non-researchers of different nationalities, backgrounds and areas of study work together, promoting the exchange of experiences and interactions, contributing to the personal and professional development of each person and to the existence of an international, inclusive and stimulating environment.

Pursuant to Decree-Law nr 29/2001 of 3rd February, disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication / expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.

Evaluation criteria: The admitted applications will be evaluated taking into account the quality, timeliness and relevance of the scientific path (scientific production and research experience) and curriculum of each candidate (a) and their adequacy to the proposed work plan.

  • First phase: Curriculum Analysis (80%) and Motivation Letter (20%) – Based on the Curriculum, it will be analyzed qualitatively, and in what concerns to its content and relevance for the tasks to be performed, namely: executed and/or published scientific work, with special emphasis on areas related to the work plan (10%); research experience and relevant knowledge in the area of the proposed work plan as described in the candidate profile (70%). Based on the letter of motivation will be evaluated the motivation and interest for the activities to be performed (10%), written communication in English language (10%).

In the event of a tie, the decision will be responsibility of the chairman of the jury.

  1. After evaluation of all admitted applications, the jury will write a meeting minute with all process of recruitment, evaluation and selection including an ordered short list of approved candidates (alphabetic order) and their respective classification.
  2. The final decision of the jury shall be validated by the Head of the Institution, who is also in charge of deciding about the hiring.

Results: Both admitted and excluded candidates list and final classification list shall be communicated to all admitted candidates through email.

Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline: After notification, all candidates have 10 working days to respond. Panel’s final decisions are pronounced within a period of 90 days, from application deadline.

The present call is exclusively aimed at filling the indicated vacancy and may be terminated until the homologation of the final candidates’ ranking list and expires with the respective occupation of the position on offer.

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