Oportunidade fecha a
Fellowship Reference GIMM/BI/17-2024
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine (GIMM) opens a call for one research fellowship under the project “Molecular regulation and physiological implications of the cross-talk between IL-17 and the central nervous system” (Ribot lab Starting Pack), with financial support of own funds.
Scientific Area(s): Neuroimmunology.
Fellowship recipients / Admission requirements:Any National, foreign and stateless candidate(s) that fulfill the necessary conditions to be enrolled in a non-academic degree course (in area(s) related to the work plan) can apply. Are considered “Non-academic degree courses” the ones referred in paragraph e) of number 3 of article 4 of Decree-Law nr 74/2006, from 24th March, in its current version, as long as they are developed in association and cooperation between a higher education institution and at least one R&D Unit in accordance with the provisions of paragraph e) of Article 3 of FCT Fellowship Regulation.
Applicants must hold the following requirements:
– MSc degree holder in immunology, neurosciences or related areas;
– Expertise in animal experimentation;
– Expertise in molecular biology and flow cytometry.
The international experience of the candidates, although not a determining criterion for selection, will be valued.
Work Plan and Objectives:
The project aims to investigate the impact of stress derived neuromodulators on immune cell homeostasis in tissues, following two main objectives:
– Identify associated molecular mechanisms through in vivo and in vitro gain or loss of function;
– Analyze the stress induced behavior from mice genetically modified for the expression of specific target candidates.
Legislation and Applicable Regulation: Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação (Lei n.º 40/2004, de 18 de Agosto, republished in attachment to Decreto-Lei n.º 202/2012, de 27 de Agosto, changed by Decretos-Leis n.º 123/2019, 28 de Agosto e nº 65/2024, 1 de outubro) and current Regulation of Fellowships of GIMM.
Predicted start date, duration and renewal conditions: The fellowship contract is predicted to start in February 2025, for a period of 12 (doze) months on an exclusive basis, eventually renewable until the maximum stipulated in applicable regulations, not exceeding the eligibility period of the project (expected to end in 2029).
Work place and Scientific orientation: The research activities will be developed at Neuro-Immunology & Immuno-Oncology of GIMM, under the supervision of Julie Ribot.
Non-discrimination and equal access policy: GIMM undertakes to ensure compliance with the principles of non-discrimination and equality and to that extent, provides that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty due in particular ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic status, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnic origin or race, place of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and trade union membership.
International environment and experience: Diversity is a fundamental aspect of the essence of GIMM, where researchers and non-researchers of different nationalities, backgrounds and areas of study work together, promoting the exchange of experiences and interactions, contributing to the personal and professional development of each person and to the existence of an international, inclusive and stimulating environment.
Research Fellows Support Centre: The Research Fellows Support Centre works everyday from 09:00AM to 11:00AM at People & Culture Unit Office.
Fellowship financial conditions: The fellow will benefit from a monthly stipend in the amount of 1259,64€. The amount will be paid by wire transfer at the end of each month. The fellow will also benefit from a personal accident insurance to execute the proposed research activities as well as the right to Social Security through Voluntary Social Insurance regimen, if wanted, under the terms of Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social, and the contributions costs will be supported by the research project.
Application documents: – Motivation Letter; – Detailed CV; – MSc certificate; – Candidate’s declaration of honor indicating previous fellowships, if any, its typology and duration. The non-compliance with these requirements determines the immediate rejection of the application. In case the applicant does not have yet the required degree certificate, a declaration of honor stating the conclusion of the necessary qualifications for the purposes of this process will be accepted and must be sent by the end date of the call.
Jury evaluation and selection: Applications will be evaluated by a jury composed by Doctors Bruno Silva-Santos (FMUL/GIMM), Julie Ribot (GIMM) and André Bombeiro (GIMM).
Selection methods: The admitted applications will be evaluated taking into account the quality, timeliness and relevance of the scientific path (scientific production and research experience) and curriculum of each candidate and their adequacy to the proposed work plan.
Deadlines and application process: The call will be open from December 19, 2024 until January 3, 2025. Applications should be submitted to People & Culture Unit, through the email people@gimm.pt. The non-compliance with these requirements determines the immediate rejection of the application.
Notification of results: Within 90 days after the termination of the applications submission deadline, both admitted and excluded candidates list and final classification list shall be communicated to all admitted candidates through email.
Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline: After notification, all candidates have 10 working days to respond. Panel’s final decisions are pronounced within a period of 90 days, from application deadline.
Fellowship contracting: The Fellowship is granted through the signature of a contract between GIMM and the selected fellow and after the fellow send the following mandatory documents: copy of identification document (in case of non-European citizens is mandatory the work visa / valid resident permit), document proving the required academic degree and the document proving the enrollment in a non academic degree course.
For each Fellowship period an Activity Report must be prepared by the fellow as well as the Report by the supervisor.