Industry & investors – GIMM Industry & investors – GIMM

Industry & investors

Industry & Investors

GIMM recognizes the enormous importance of partnering with industry and is eager to work with companies and investors to meet their unique needs and pursue mutually-beneficial goals. GIMM is committed to working fairly and flexibly with companies and investors who want to partner with us in the continuing work of discovering and developing the next generation solutions in health care.

Use of Results. GIMM typically owns the data and results that are generated by research projects, except in the case of contract research services. A company might want to own the results for its own commercial advantage. They may receive rights to use the results for their own purposes.

Intellectual Property Rights. We understand that you need the right to utilize intellectual property developed in GIMM’s labs. We want to make sure we meet your needs, and have the flexibility to structure contracts appropriately. From GIMM’s perspective, because we provide unique capabilities for these projects, we want to make sure that we share in your commercial success in an appropriate way. For most of our industry partnerships, we grant an option to license any intellectual property that results from the research. For others, a commercial license is granted to the industry partner in exchange for future milestone payments or royalties. In some cases, a partner may pay up‐front to secure a license. In every case, we are able to find a solution that works for both parties.

Confidentiality and Publication. GIMM is committed to generate and disseminate knowledge and to training the next generation of experts, and as part of this commitment, our researchers present and publish papers and dissertations. We also understand that our industry partners may need to share confidential information with us. Therefore, we allow industry partners to review proposed publications to make sure that confidential information is not inadvertently disclosed, and also to identify intellectual property that may require protection prior to publication. This pre‐publication review process has worked very well for many years at GIMM and other industry‐friendly research organizations. GIMM also has the capability to conduct restricted industry research.

After the identification of a partnering opportunity we will work with you on the best collaboration scheme to accommodate your needs.

Sponsored Research:

Funding of basic or clinical research in a specific field that fits into the interests and expertise of a particular research group. The sponsor can not make any claims to the results and IP. The benefit for the sponsor is early access to the results and opportunity to license IP.

Collaborative Research:

Collaborative research is where two (or more parties) contribute to a research project through their scientific contribution, background IP, research staff and/or funding. Collaboration agreements make provision for sharing IP that was jointly created as well as coordinated dissemination and commercialization activities where applicable.

Contract Research:

Is a research request by industry for a specific project to be carried out with identified aims and objectives. In return the company pays the commercial price for the research. Results and IP generated are normally owned by the company.

We can assist you in identifying licensing opportunities at GIMM that fit your business development strategy and priorities. We will be happy to know your licensing targets to scout and screen new opportunities according to your criteria. We will promptly inform you about leads identified.

Explore the companies that are turning GIMM innovations into reality. We can connect you with these companies and support the establishment of new partnerships.

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