GIMM aims to attract and train highly skilled PhD students through its PhD program. Students receive an intensive research-based education focused on the current challenges in biology and biomedicine, followed by a period to develop their original project. The program aims to immerse students in a multifaceted learning environment, where they are challenged with complex biological concepts, and asked to discern and address questions that bear immediate societal significance. During the latter years of their training, students have access to targeted sessions to enhance their skills and readiness for diverse career pathways.
The quality of the program is ensured by an executive team that is supported by a scientific and advisory committee.
The PhD program serves as a cornerstone in fostering frontier science, facilitating an environment of open collaboration across disciplines. This collaborative spirit will be evident by the joint development of educational scientific modules developed by scientists from diverse fields, but also by the program’s ethos: students are encouraged to share their research with peers from various laboratories, actively participate in diverse seminar series, and attend talks and courses outside their primary study area.