Research & inventors – GIMM Research & inventors – GIMM

Research & inventors

Research & Inventors

Our researchers are the key asset to drive innovation at GIMM. Our team helps you to understand the commercial potential of your ideas and results, make connections with industry, and expand the impact of your research by promoting the transition of your discoveries and inventions from the lab into real-life benefits.

Our team proactively meet researchers on a regular basis and attend relevant internal seminars and talks in order to be updated with the work and activities ongoing at GIMM. In addition, discoveries, inventions, research tools and biological materials arising from individual or collaborative research must be formally and promptly disclosed by submitting a confidential Disclosure Form to the Technology Transfer Office.

Importantly, publication or presentation of valuable results and inventions that have not been duly secured can severely affect their patentability and potential for commercialisation. Please talk to our team as soon as you plan to make a public disclosure of work that could potentially have a useful application. Please do not hesitate to contact the TTO in case of doubt. Our team will be happy to help you. Otherwise, we look forward to receiving your disclosure.

We will work with you and top IP firms to secure the best protection for your inventions without hampering your research activities. Patent protection is especially important in biomedical innovation where the path to market is long and expensive. The innovator has a tough path to market and, without patent protection securing the rights when the innovation finally starts to pay off, there may not be adequate incentive to bring the innovation to market at all.

Patents protect inventions that are novel, inventive, and involve an industrial application. While the latter is usually out of question, and inventiveness may be a matter of discussion, novelty means that no public disclosure in whatever means and form has been made prior to filing a patent.

Additional funds and partnerships are very often required to bring an invention closer to market. Many inventions remain unexploited due to the absence of funding to prove the potential and feasibility of an invention in a relevant context for a real application. In medical innovation the establishment of solid proof-of-concept evidence is key to attract industry or investors. We will work with you to define the best development strategy to bring your invention to an investment readiness stage. We use both public and private funding sources to support the development of inventions.

If you are interested about financial sources to develop your ideas or inventions you can contact us or our Pre-Award office. If you identify an opportunity that is suitable for you and your project, the TTO will do its best to help you build a strong proposal.

There are many ways in which the knowledge and inventions generated at GIMM can be transferred for the benefit of society, and produce revenues in return that feed further research and compensate your initiative, diligence and support to the technology transfer process. We will promote your inventions through our well established network of investors and industry partners, and any other possible means to make the best out of your results.

The way that revenues from commercialisation are shared with researchers is detailed in GIMM’s Intellectual Property Policy, which you can find through the “GIMM Policies and Guidelines” section.

We have established a set of documents that clarify the background, set the rules, and facilitate technology transfer at GIMM. Learn more about the policies and guidelines that related with intellectual property and technology transfer in this section:

  • IP Policy (coming soon)
  • Inventor’s Guide to Technology Transfer (coming soon)
  • Start-up Guide (coming soon)

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