Safety & Infrastructure – GIMM Safety & Infrastructure – GIMM

Safety & Infrastructure

The Safety & Infrastructure’s mission is to ensure that all physical infrastructure and building services, equipment and material requirements for high-quality research are met, while working in a safe and healthy environment, minimizing the environmental impact of the GIMM activities.

Safety & Infrastructure info

The Safety & Infrastructure acts in different areas such as:

  • Compliance of Health, Safety and Environment legal obligations; 
  • Prevention, training and risk/impact assessment;
  • Equipment’s life-cycle management (installation, maintenance, repairs, validations, );
  • Training and use of laboratory common equipment (possibility of external use);
  • Space management and Laboratory design;
  • Building and other infrastructure facilities maintenance;
  • Cleaning and sterilization of labware;
  • Production of culture medium, provision of tip boxes and microtubes.

If you need more Information, please contact us via email.

There is common equipment that may be available for external users, subject to analysis of use frequency and needs. 

The equipment available at the Lisbon hub is as follows:

Type Equipment
Brand Model
Centrifuges Eppendorf 5810R
Beckman Coulter J2-21 M/E (High Speed Centrifuge)
Beckman Coulter Avant J-25I (High Speed Centrifuge)
Beckman Coulter Optima XL90 (Ultracentrifuge)
Beckman Coulter Optima Max (Ultracentrifuge)
PCR Systems Bio-Rad C1000 touch
Bio-Rad T100 (no.1)
Bio-Rad T100 (no.2)
Applied Biosystems ViiA 7 384-well (no.1)
Applied Biosystems ViiA 7 384-well (no.2)
Applied Biosystems 7500 FAST
Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Generator
Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Reader
Scanner GE Healthcare Amersham Typhoon IP
Sonication Diagenode Bioruptor Plus
Plate reader Tecan Infinite M Plex
Tecan Spark
Spectrophotometer Thermo Scientific Nanodrop ND-2000
Thermo Fisher Evolution One UV-Vis