Semana da Mama – GIMM Semana da Mama – GIMM

GIMM - Semana da Mama

Visit the official website for details.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a global initiative to raise awareness about breast cancer. 

At GIMM, we believe that science and raising awareness of the diseases that have the greatest impact on human life must continue to be a focus.

With this mission in mind, we created “Semana da Mama”, a yearly initiative that emphasizes the relevance of scientific research in developing solutions for this disease, which affects 1 in 8 women in Portugal. 

The first edition of Semana da Mama, in 2023, in the Alameda da Universidade, in Lisbon, hosted lectures, discussions, exhibitions, and blood sample collections for the Biobank. The event featured activities for all ages, centered around cancer awareness and scientific research.

For one week, around 1,000 visitors visited two unique breast-shaped tents, attended the opening with Selma Uamusse, and participated in 13 lectures with 32 speakers. Additionally, 262 individuals contributed to science by donating to the Biobank. Many others enjoyed the artistic tile mural by Pedro Lourenço and Viúva Lamego, now on permanent display on the 2nd floor of Santa Maria Hospital, admired by hundreds daily.

Through the years, Semana da Mama will continue to foster awareness and support for breast cancer research.