Digital Technologies – GIMM Digital Technologies – GIMM

Digital Technologies

The Digital Technologies Unit is responsible for managing all Information technology topics at GIMM.

Because of the broad scope of the previous definition we can divide the scope into four stand-alone pillars:

  • Data Science & AI
  • Bioinformatics
  • Blockchain and Cybersecurity
  • General IT Support

DTU is responsible for: 

  1. managing GIMM IT infrastructure and cybersecurity
  2. administrating user privileges and software configuration 
  3. maintaining GIMM’s High Performance Cluster (LOBO)
  4. provide expertise on data analysis, bioinformatics, mathematical modelling, and statistical consulting
  5. support data life cycle, from management, to reproducible analysis, and FAIR sharing by creating guidelines and curate open data policies and data management
  6. project manage IT project implementation
  7. purchase management IT equipment and software for the whole institute 
  8. Provide Helpdesk support for all users


Data Analysis

The unit develops custom statistical inference tools, mechanistic models, and machine learning solutions for data analysis. It also provides consulting services on experimental design and data management.

  • Experimental Design & Data Analysis
  • Mathematical & Computational Modelling
  • Machine Learning


We can provide assistance on a broad range of bioinformatic topics, ranging from genomics and transcriptomics to metagenomics and custom bioinformatic analysis. We also support several stages of the analysis, from experimental design to the production of plots for publications.

  • Bioinformatics analysis (Transcriptomics, Metagenomics, DNA Sequencing)
  • Other Bioinformatic Services (Quality assessment of sequencing reads and/or alignments, Denovo assembly of small genomes)

Research Data Management

We offer services covering the entire data life cycle, supporting data management, and adherence to Open and FAIR data principles.

  • DMP Support
  • RDM consultancy