The Histopathology Platform at the Gulbenkian Institute of Molecular Medicine is a dedicated technical support facility providing top-tier histopathological services and pathology assessment. In line with GIMM’s mission to democratise science and technology, we focus on centralising resources, education, and ensuring excellence in all our endeavours.
Histology, the study of the microscopic structure of tissues, is crucial for understanding the intricate details of biological specimens and diagnosing diseases. Pathology analysis involves examining tissues to identify disease states and is essential for translating basic research into clinical applications. Our unit offers comprehensive histological support to the GIMM scientific community and external users, including associated laboratories, academic institutions, and industry partners.
The services we provide are essential for research utilising animal models of human diseases, covering a broad spectrum of needs from experimental planning and histological processing to pathology consulting. Accurate pathology analysis is vital for interpreting experimental results, validating findings, and advancing medical knowledge.
Our highly qualified team excels in handling various types of samples, including human tissues and model organisms such as mice, rat, fish, flies, plants, amphibians, spheroid cell cultures, and organoids. This diverse expertise ensures the highest quality of service for all our clients.
With a research approach geared towards understanding common disease phenomena across species, we bring emphasis to similarities and differences to develop and validate groundbreaking scientific inquiries.
The Histopathology Platform is committed to providing exceptional technical support, fostering scientific excellence, and promoting innovation through our team of outstanding specialists.
The Histopathology Platform serves internal GIMM researchers, as well as external academic and industry users. All users need to be registered on Agendo, our online booking and service request platform. (
For more information, contact
The Histopathology Unit, benefiting from a fully equipped laboratory, provides the following services:
(Performed by our technicians or in self-service mode).
• Paraffin processing and embedding (not available in self-service mode)
• Resin processing and embedding (Technovit® 7100)
• O.C.T. and gelatin embedding
• Microtomy (not available in self-service mode)
• Cryostat microtomy
• Vibratome microtomy
• Routine Hematoxylin & Eosin staining (not available in self-service mode)
• Histochemical stains (not available in self-service mode)
• Immunohistochemistry (not available in self-service mode)
• Pathology (analysis of results, including macro and microscopic examinations with images, quantitative analysis (QuPath, Fiji, stereology), support in manuscript preparation)
• ImunoHistochemistry (antibody testing and protocol validation)
• Clearing (in collaboration with the Bioimaging Unit (insert link))
• CLEM (Correlative light and electron microscopy in collaboration with the Bioimaging and Electron Microscopy Units)
• RNAscope
• Spatial transcriptomics (in collaboration with the Genomics Unit)
• Custom services
• Sample preparation guidance for new users
• Cryostat microtomy training for new users
• Vibratome microtomy training for new users
• Planning and implementation of different and new histological and immunohistochemical techniques
Leica Cryostat 3050S (1 @Oeiras site | 2 @Lisbon Site)
Leica Vibratome VT1200S (@Lisbon site)
Leica Vibratome VT1000S (@Oeiras site)
Thermo Scientific PT Module (1 @Oeiras site – soon – | 1 @Lisbon Site)
Hamamatsu NanoZoomer SQ (@Lisbon site)
Location: GIMM – Oeiras Campus, Main Building – Marco Polo Wing
Phone numbers:
Laboratory: +351 21 4407919
Head of Unit: +351 21 446 4513
Pathologist: +351 21 4407941